Created in 2008, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is a unique EU initiative that boosts innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe with one simple idea: through diversity, there is strength. It supports the development of dynamic pan-European partnerships between leading universities, research labs and companies. Together, they develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs. They bring ideas to market, turn students into entrepreneurs and, most importantly, they innovate. These partnerships are known as EIT Innovation Communities. Interested in more information? Visit the website
EIT Food is one of the largest and most impactful food-related initiatives worldwide. As a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), EIT Food connects partners from leading businesses, universities and research centres across Europe. It is a people-centric and resource-smart transformer of the European food system, driving consumer confidence and improved global health. If you want to learn more, check the website
30 students and graduates with different educational backgrounds from RIS countries will discover job opportunities in the food industry, by getting unique, professional, paid 3-months internships within the framework of RIS Fellowships project. Unlike other scholarship projects, the students and graduates will reveal their talents in agri-food sector, through gaining hands-on experiences and strengthening their job-related skills, including analytical thinking and creative problem solving. During multi-step recruitment process, candidates will not only learn how to professionally prepare outstanding LinkedIn profile but also will actively participate in unique networking and case study solving workshops led by EIT Hubs. Selected best 30 talents will get internships in different areas of operations in EIT Food consortium companies or RisingFoodStars companies. Interns will take learning-by-doing activities by solving real problematic situations that the companies in food industry are facing. All interns will be provided with a scholarship of 1000 EUR gross monthly.