EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology is the Europe's largest public-private innovation partnership with 6 verticals: Climate, Digital, Food, Health, InnoEnergy and Raw Materials. EIT network is composed of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions, and the public sector.
EIT Food main mission is to support innovative and economically sustainable initiatives which improve our health, our access to quality food and our environment.
Being part of the EIT Food, BGI has been tasked to develop and facilitate projects that have an impact on EIT Food's goals.
EIT Food Government Executive Academy

How is the program structured
EIT Food Government Executive Academy will bring together 39 government representatives from 13 RIS countries with experts working in the field of agri-food innovations from industry, academia and European institutions. If you think you should be among them, apply here
EIT Food GEA is a week-long training program that offers insights into challenges related to food system innovations and regulations. It is also an opportunity to exchange best practices that will contribute to further improvements of Research & Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies and inspire the future development of operational programs based on the EU Structural and Investment Funds.
What do we offer?
Key features of the Academy
You will be part of a cohort of 39 government representatives from 13 RIS countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey) involved in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of Research & Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) related to agri-food industry or in defining regulatory policies related to agri-food industry. During the Academy, you will meet government executives, directors, managers, scientists and other experts working in the agri-food industry, non-governmental sector, European institutions and media.
You can expect
The Academy will supply you with expert knowledge on challenges faced by the global agri-food industry, state-of-the-art technologies relevant to the contemporary food system and best practices in innovation management. With our guests and experts from the field, you can expect to strengthen the innovation eco-systems in your country, increase the internationalisation of your country’s agri-food companies and increase success rates of new product launches to leverage the benefits of public funding distributed for Research & Innovations. You will also have an opportunity to share good practices, benefit from lessons learned of other countries and participate in an international network of policy experts involved in the updates of RIS3 and the development of the future operational programs based on European Structural and Investment Funds, 2021–2027.
- workshops focused on real-life challenges experienced by global food industry players and actual needs of industry and customers
- lectures offering insights into the complexity of food system, state-of-the-art technologies and innovations developed by the agri-food industry
- highly interactive learning program based on case-studies and real-life examples
- working with European experts in agri-food industry and innovation management
- participants do not pay tuition fee and have travel and personal costs reimbursed (up to the level of €1,000 gross refunded in accordance with EIT/Horizon 2020 rules)
- excellent opportunities to build an international network of policy‐makers working on the agri-food related Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3), exchanging experiences to continuously improve the national and regional policies.
You will be part of a cohort of 39 government representatives from 13 RIS countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey) involved in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of Research & Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) related to agri-food industry or in defining regulatory policies related to agri-food industry. During the Academy, you will meet government executives, directors, managers, scientists and other experts working in the agri-food industry, non-governmental sector, European institutions and media.
You can expect
The Academy will supply you with expert knowledge on challenges faced by the global agri-food industry, state-of-the-art technologies relevant to the contemporary food system and best practices in innovation management. With our guests and experts from the field, you can expect to strengthen the innovation eco-systems in your country, increase the internationalisation of your country’s agri-food companies and increase success rates of new product launches to leverage the benefits of public funding distributed for Research & Innovations. You will also have an opportunity to share good practices, benefit from lessons learned of other countries and participate in an international network of policy experts involved in the updates of RIS3 and the development of the future operational programs based on European Structural and Investment Funds, 2021–2027.
What are we looking for?
The organizers aim at outstanding employees of national or regional governments (including ministries, agencies and regulatory bodies) from 13 RIS countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey).
The ideal applicant should:
- Be involved in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of Research & Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) related to agri-food industry or in defining regulatory policies related to agri-food industry in her or his country
- Have relevant knowledge and experience in public policy development on a regional or national level
- Have a leadership potential which means she or he has a track record in coordinating projects or contributing to new initiatives in RIS3
- Have an entrepreneurial approach to problem solving and willingness to share her or his knowledge with other participants of the EIT Food GEA
- Bring diversity. We strongly encourage applications from various geographical regions submitted by specialists in multiple fields.
How can I apply?
To apply visit academy.eitfood.uw.edu.pl/admissions
The application deadline is 20 September 2018.
The Academy is delivered by University of Warsaw, EIT Food CLC North-East and EIT Food CLC South with a group of industrial partners: Colruyt, Givaudan, Maspex, PepsiCo and Siemens.
Name: Frank Hysa
Organisation: Satean Foundation
Email: [email protected]
The application deadline is 20 September 2018.
The Academy is delivered by University of Warsaw, EIT Food CLC North-East and EIT Food CLC South with a group of industrial partners: Colruyt, Givaudan, Maspex, PepsiCo and Siemens.
Name: Frank Hysa
Organisation: Satean Foundation
Email: [email protected]
EIT Food RIS Awareness Day

How is the program structured
Satean Foundation and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) are organising a conference to discuss the future of innovation in Europe with relevant national and international stakeholders. You are invited to participate in the event, meet representatives and contribute actively to the discussions.
What do we offer?
Participants will have the opportunity to meet representatives of the six EIT Innovation Communities, will learn about the EIT Community’s results and activities, and how to get involved with the EIT.
What are we looking for?
Participation is open to innovators, public organizations, researchers, students, entreprises and general public.
How can I apply?
Location: Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati, Romania.
Date: September 20th
Agenda: More information including t will be made available in due course.
Please confirm your participation by sending an email to:
Name: Frank Hysa
Organisation: Satean Foundation
Email: [email protected]
Date: September 20th
Agenda: More information including t will be made available in due course.
Please confirm your participation by sending an email to:
Name: Frank Hysa
Organisation: Satean Foundation
Email: [email protected]
EIT Food Innovation Grants & Demo Day

How is the program structured
RIS Innovation Grants is a business creation activity in the framework of EIT Food RIS. Grants are awarded to support the commercialization of novel products, services or business models which make the agri-food sector more innovative, especially at the local level.
Phase 1: Submission of ideas
Interested candidates must submit their application here www.f6s.com/innovationgrants until the 30th of September
Phase 2: Application Review
The applications will be scored by a panel of judges. The ten startups with the highest scores all be invited to Romania EIT Food DemoDay.
Phase 3: EIT Food Demo Day
This will be an open start-up networking event, where selected applicants will present their idea in a form of 3 min pitch presentation + 2 min Q&A part in front of a selected jury who will pose questions and will rate the performances based on specific criteria.
This event will bring together investors, corporates, start-ups and entrepreneurs working in the Food industry at Galati on the 13th of November
Phase 1: Submission of ideas
Interested candidates must submit their application here www.f6s.com/innovationgrants until the 30th of September
Phase 2: Application Review
The applications will be scored by a panel of judges. The ten startups with the highest scores all be invited to Romania EIT Food DemoDay.
Phase 3: EIT Food Demo Day
This will be an open start-up networking event, where selected applicants will present their idea in a form of 3 min pitch presentation + 2 min Q&A part in front of a selected jury who will pose questions and will rate the performances based on specific criteria.
This event will bring together investors, corporates, start-ups and entrepreneurs working in the Food industry at Galati on the 13th of November
What do we offer?
The prizes will go to the two teams with highest scores after the written and Demo Day performances have been combined.
- 1st prize is €10,000
- 2nd prize is €5,000
What are we looking for?
Startups must address one of the main challenges of the EIT Food strategic business agenda:
- Making the food supply chain more sustainable and efficient - from farm to fork;
- Developing innovative food products that fill a gap in the market and help consumers lead healthier lives;
- Building trust in the food system through improving traceability, food safety and increasing consumers access to information;
- - Applicants must be a citizen and/or resident in Romania;
- - Applicants cannot have received more than 60,000 Euros from EIT Food and its other programmes to support agrifood startups/entrepreneurs.
- - Only candidates who submit a complete application, answering all the questions on the platform will be evaluated by the reviewers for the second stage of the competition – EIT Food Demo Day.
How can I apply?
Fullfill the application form until the 30th of September - click on the buttom Apply.
If you are one of the ten startups with the highest scores from each you will be invited to pitch at EIT Food Demo Day, at Galati, on the 13th of November.
If you are one of the ten startups with the highest scores from each you will be invited to pitch at EIT Food Demo Day, at Galati, on the 13th of November.
Completed: EIT Food RIS Fellowships

The RIS Fellowships project is dedicated to students and graduates of Msc., with different educational levels, educational and professional background, coming from different universities from 13 RIS countries. Gain hands-on experience and strengthen your job-related skills during a 3-month internship in a company from the food sector. The internship is focused on cross-country mobility meaning you will carry out your internship in a host company outside your region of study or origin.
Various companies across Europe and Israel are looking to host young, creative minds like yours.
You can find the list of companies here: http://timo.wz.uw.edu.pl/risfellowships/#inter
Selected candidates will be matched with a host company outside their region of study or origin according to their interests, background and skills.
The deadline for application is: April 30th 23.59 pm (CEST)2018 . Please send in your LinkedIn profiles and 1-min self-made video by this date (see “How to apply” below for details).
Mid-May-Mid-June: Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a fun and challenging workshop in one of 13 countries (country of your choice, according to where you would like to attend the workshop – see “how to apply” below for details)
Beg Jul: interviews with host companies
The internships will take place between Aug-November 2018
How can I afford it?
You will receive a EUR 1000/month scholarship to cover all travel and accommodation expenses.
How to apply?
Step 1. Create or update your professional LinkedIn profile, add a 1-minute self-made video
Step 2: Once your profile is ready, join 1 of 13 available RIS Fellowships groups on Linkedin. You should choose the group according to the country in which you would like to attend the workshop in Mid-May/Mid-June.
Find details and guidelines to help you apply: http://timo.wz.uw.edu.pl/risfellowships/#apply
Who is eligible?
Candidates must study or come from one of the following countries or regions: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy (only regions of: Basilicata, Calabria, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna and Sicilia), Lithuania, Poland (only regions of: Dolnośląskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Łódzkie, Lubelskie, Lubuskie, Małopolskie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Wielkopolskie), Romania, Slovenia, Spain (only regions of: Andalucia, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla-la Mancha, Extremadura, Illes Balears, La Rioja, Principado de Asturias and Región de Murcia), Portugal, Turkey
Candidates must be Msc students (min. completed the second year of study) or Msc graduates (up to 2 years after graduation) in a relevant field (see relevant fields below)
Candidates must be able to work in the English language (min. C1 in CEFR level of English is required)
Candidates must have a LinkedIn profile in English,
Candidates must apply via 1 of 13 RIS Fellowships group on LinkedIn
Candidates must be available during the period from August until November 2018,
Candidates must be interested in the agri-food sector,
Candidates must have health insurance required for cross-country mobility.